In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing the body's immunity is very important. Some experts suggest consuming medicinal plants or herbs to boost immunity. In addition to being used as a cooking spice, this rhizome type plant turns out to have properties and benefits for health, especially to increase immunity. However, many people do not know and it is difficult to distinguish the type of rhizome plant. This type of rhizome plant can be identified based on the characteristics seen from the shape and texture. However, most people judge the type of rhizome has a shape that is difficult to distinguish. This study aims to determine the type of medicinal plant rhizome with Euclidean distance and extraction of shape and texture. Extraction of shape features using metric and eccentricity parameters. This parameter is considered to be able to recognize shape objects and can distinguish them from other objects. Meanwhile, texture feature extraction uses Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix (GLCM) with contrast, correlation, energy, and homogeneity parameters. For the identification process, Euclidean distance is used which serves to represent the level of two images that consider the distance value from Euclidean. From the results of the evaluation using a confusion matrix by calculating precision, recall and accuracy, it gets a precision value of 83%, recal 87% and an accuracy of 85%. These results indicate that the Euclidean distance and extraction of shape and texture features can identify the object image of medicinal plants with rhizome types well