Identifying which cranial defects among children warrant surgical repair is integral to providing adequate protection of the skull whereas minimizing exposure to surgical complications. This review examines the available evidence regarding the role of defect size in determining the appropriateness of nonsurgical versus surgical management. Methods: An electronic literature review was performed using PubMed and Google Scholar to identify publications that provided rationales for nonsurgical management of cranial defects in the pediatric population based on size. Titles and abstracts were reviewed by the authors to determine eligibility for full-text analysis. Ineligible studies were categorized and relevant data from fully analyzed texts were recorded. Results: Of the 523 articles that were reviewed, 500 were ineligible for full-text analysis due to the following most common reasons: no cranial defect described (227, 45%), did not discuss management of cranial defects (68, 14%), or surgery was performed on all defects in evaluation of a technique or protocol (86, 17%). Ten publications provided relevant data. The suggested size below which surgery was not recommended varied widely between articles. Beyond the age of 1 to 2 years, no general agreement on recommended management in children was found. Craniofacial surgeons had divergent views on the minimum diameter for a ''critical'' defect and the size for which surgical repair is necessary. Conclusions: Little guidance or consensus exists regarding the indications for surgical correction of cranial defects based on the size of the defect. Objective data is needed to classify ''clinically critical defects'' in the pediatric population.