We consider a model for driven particulate matter in which absorbing states can be reached both by particle isolation and by particle caging. The model predicts a non-equilibrium phase diagram in which analogues of hydrodynamic and elastic reversibility emerge at low and high volume fractions respectively, partially separated by a diffusive, non-absorbing region. We thus find a single phase boundary that spans the onset of chaos in sheared suspensions to the onset of yielding in jammed packings. This boundary has the properties of a non-equilibrium second order phase transition, leading us to write a Manna-like mean-field description that captures the model predictions. Dependent on contact details, jamming marks either a direct transition between the two absorbing states, or occurs within the diffusive region.Non-equilibrium phase transitions into absorbing states are of fundamental interest and relevant to applications such as spreading of infectious disease and reaction-diffusion problems [1,2]. Driven granular materials, both semi-dilute (volume fraction φ ≈ 0.1) and jammed (φ > φ J ≈ 0.64 (in 3D)), have proven to be useful experimental systems in which to study such transitions [3,4], but the behaviour close to φ J itself is unclear.In non-Brownian suspensions under oscillatory shear, non-hydrodynamic particle contacts arise above a φdependent critical strain amplitude γ c , moving the system from a Stokesian-reversible state to a chaotic, fluctuating one [3,[5][6][7][8][9]. Meanwhile, jammed packings exhibit a transition from elastic reversibility to plastic cage deformation at a γ c associated with yielding [4, 10-15]. The order parameter for both transitions may be chosen as the fraction A of particles that are 'alive', that is, those whose position changes after successive shear cycles at steady state. For γ > γ c , time-irreversible particle contacts (φ < φ J ) and plastic rearrangements (φ > φ J ) render the systems active: they have diffusion coefficient D > 0, with A > 0 and all particles spending part of the time alive. Below γ c the systems reach absorbing states with A 0 and D = 0 due to hydrodynamic (elastic) reversibility when φ < φ J (φ > φ J ). In absorbing states most particles are never alive, but A need not strictly vanish: isolated per-cycle displacements are permitted provided the system is trapped in a finite basin of the phase space [16].The nonconserved order parameter A carried by a conserved total number of particles, and the existence of multiple symmetry-unrelated absorbing states, should place these systems in the Manna class of non-equilibrium second order phase transitions [17][18][19]. This is borne out below φ J in experiments [6], molecular dynamics simulations [20] and in simplified models in which shear is mimicked by displacing overlapping particles [6,8,21]. Above φ J , however, experimentalists have reported both second [4] and first [22] order behaviour, with simulations [20, 22, 23] consistently predicting the latter. First order behaviour could be due to long-range e...