Explicit separability of general two qubits density matrices is related to Lorentz transformations. We use the 4-dimensional form , ( , 0,1, 2,3) R µ ν µ ν = of the Hilbert-Schmidt (HS) decomposition of the density matrix. For the generic case in which Lorentz transformations diagonalize , R µ ν (into 0 1 2 3 , , , s s s s ) we give relations between the s µ and the , R µ ν . In particular we consider two cases: a) Two qubits density matrices with one pair of linear terms in the HS decomposition. b) Two qubits density matrices with two or three symmetric pairs of linear terms. Some of the theoretical results are demonstrated by numerical calculations. The four non-generic cases (which may be reduced to case a ) are analyzed and the non-generic property is related explicitly to Lorentz velocity 1 β = which is not reachable physically. Condensed paper title: Lorentz transformations of 2 qubits. Keywords: General 2-qubit systems; Lorentz transformations; the generic and non-generic cases of 2 qubits; separability and entanglement. A B I b σ ⊗ ⋅ as the linear terms, A and B respectively. The number of parameters describing the two-qubits density matrices can be reduced by local transformations. 3 12 − We consider ρ and M ρ to be of the same equivalence class when † , M A B M M M M M