One of the state environmental policy priorities both in Russia and other countries is the preservation and development of nature reserves and specially protected natural territories. The article discusses the state natural reserve “Belogorye” Belgorod region. The nature reserve “Belogorye” territory includes five sites in different municipal districts of the region. The main problem of the reserve development is that its territory is of an island character, does not have connecting elements and is a subject to human impact. To solve the specially protected and adjacent territories development existing problems, a conflict approach, which consists of identifying the subjective and objective territorial development contradictions, identifying urban the planning activities participants (subjects) personal conflicts and finding the means and possibilities to resolve these conflicts by legal and urban planning methods, is proposed. The analysis of the the most problematic areas limitations and burdens of the Belogorie reserve is made. Identified and classified urban conflicts in relation to the reserve territory among which are: land use, social and functional purposes, transport, regulatory documents, property. The regional significance cultural heritage objects are revealed - architectural monuments and historically significant places (zaseki). A territories adjacent functioning model to the reserve has been developed. It also proposes the cultural heritage object reconstruction with the hotel and a museum adaptation.