Abstract. Easy quantum groups have been studied intensively since the time they were introduced by Banica and Speicher in 2009. They arise as a subclass of (C * -algebraic) compact matrix quantum groups in the sense of Woronowicz. Due to some Tannaka-Krein type result, they are completely determined by the combinatorics of categories of (set theoretical) partitions. So far, only orthogonal easy quantum groups have been considered in order to understand quantum subgroups of the free orthogonal quantum group O + n . We now give a definition of unitary easy quantum groups using colored partitions to tackle the problem of finding quantum subgroups of U + n . In the free case (i.e. restricting to noncrossing partitions), the corresponding categories of partitions have recently been classified by the authors by purely combinatorial means. There are ten series showing up each indexed by one or two discrete parameters, plus two additional quantum groups. We now present the quantum group picture of it and investigate them in detail. We show how they can be constructed from other known examples using generalizations of Banica's free complexification. For doing so, we introduce new kinds of products between quantum groups.We also study the notion of easy groups.
IntroductionIn order to provide a new notion of symmetries adapted to the situation in operator algebras, Woronowicz introduced compact matrix quantum groups in 1987 in [Wor87]. The idea is roughly to take a compact Lie group G ⊆ M n (C) and to pass to the algebra C(G) of continuous functions over it. It turns out that this algebra fulfills all axioms of a C * -algebra with the special feature that the multiplication is commutative. If we now also dualize main properties of the group law µ : G×G → G to properties of a map ∆ : C(G) → C(G×G) ∼ = C(G)⊗C(G) (the comultiplication), and consider noncommutative C * -algebras equiped with such a map ∆, we are right in the heart of the definition of a compact matrix quantum group (see Section 3.1 for details). It generalizes the notion of a compact matrix group. The reader not familiar with quantum groups might also first jump to Section 5 and read it as a motivation.Date: December 2, 2015. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20G42 (Primary); 05A18, 46L54 (Secondary).