Abstract-To cope with the distinct typeof deformity causing cancer, there are number of techniques which help in identifying tumor. Some of the various techniques are: Mammography, Ultrasound, MRI, and so on. Recently, Electrical impedance and nuclear medicine are used universally for investigation. These techniques are based on the picture processing i.e. identifying the anomaly which is done through the reading and retrieving data from photos. Although this research depends on mammogram photographs. Before recovering information one should be aware about all types of anomalies such as: micro-classification, masses, structural distortion, asymmetry, bosom density and so on. Moreover, after the process of obtaining the irregular part or can say that ROI (Region of Interest) on which the therapy is applied.The GLCM feature is used to extract the features and wavelets are used for compressing the image that helps in finding the abnormal part in the image which will not be compressed.