In this paper we discuss some topics on the geometry of type II superstring backgrounds with D-branes, in particular on the geometrical meaning of the D-brane charge, the Ramond-Ramond fields and the Wess-Zumino action. We see that, depending on the behaviour of the D-brane on the four non-compact space-time directions, we need different notions of homology and cohomology to discuss the associated fields and charge: we give a mathematical definition of such notions and show their physical applications. We then discuss the problem of corretly defining Wess-Zumino action using the theory of p-gerbes. Finally, we recall the so-called * -problem and make some brief remarks about it.
Conclusions and perspectives 24A p-Gerbes 24 B Hodge- * with Minkowskian signature 25 C Direct sum and direct product 26
JHEP11(2009)012of homology and cohomology in the same way it is used for electromagnetism, so that the theory of D-branes becomes actually a generalized version of electromagnetism with higher dimensional sources. In particular, one considers D-branes as sources for violation of Bianchi identity for the Ramond-Ramond fields, so that a Dp-brane charge is the analogue of the magnetic charge for the associated Ramond-Ramond field G 8−p and of the electric charge for its Hodge-dual G p+2 , assuming the democratic formulation of supergravity. Moreover, the Wess-Zumino action, i.e. the minimal coupling of a Dp-brane to the Ramond-Ramond potential C p+1 , is the analogue of the Wilson line for a charged particle moving in a background electromagnetic field. In order to describe D-brane charges, we can consider D-branes which cover part or all of the non-compact space directions. In this case, the brane cannot be seen as an ordinary homology cycle since, by definition of homology, all cycles have compact support. Thus, in order to correctly describe a theory of electromagnetism with non-compact sources, we are forced to consider a different version of homology, called Borel-Moore homology, which takes into account also non-compact cycles. We will also introduce some modified versions of Borel-Moore homology, in order to describe the possible kinds of D-branes. Moreover, we deal with the problem of giving a correct definition of Wess-Zumino action. The potential C p+1 is a connection on a p-gerbe, so that we briefly recall the theory of gerbes with connection, using the language ofČech hypercohomology, in order to explain the meaning of the integral and, if necessary, of its conditions at infinity.As is well known, this picture is affected by some problems: in particular, magnetic charge is quantized by Dirac quantization condition, and this implies that both a Ramond-Ramond field and its Hodge-dual are quantized, while in general Hodge duality does not preserve quantization. In particular, in type IIB theory the field G 5 is self-dual, being a D3-brane both electric and magnetic charge with respect to it: but there is not a good lagrangian description of a theory with a source which is at the same time magnetic and electric, an...