“…To palliate this problem several approaches have been explored such as portfolio approaches (Chung, Buro, and Schaeffer 2005), abstracting the action space (Balla and Fern 2009), hierarchical search (Stanescu, Barriga, and Buro 2014), adversarial HTN planning (Ontañón and Buro 2015) or exploration strategies for combinatorial action spaces (Ontañón 2013). All of the previous approaches, however, share the fact that they assume that the system has access to either a forward model of the domain (in order to apply planning or game tree search), or that the system is allowed to use the actual game to run simulations (e.g., (Jaidee and Muñoz-Avila 2012)). The work presented in this paper differs in that we do not assume that the system has access to a completely defined forward model or simulator, but just to a rough definition of the effect of the actions in the game.…”