Two analyses investigated the effects of choice making on the responding of elementary school students with emotional and behavioral challenges. In the first analysis, 2 participants were given choices from menus of academic tasks, all of which were pertinent to their educational objectives in English and spelling, respectively. Reversal designs showed that the choice-making conditions increased task engagement and reduced disruptive behavior for both students. An additional analysis was performed with a 3rd student in an effort to further distinguish the effects of choice making from preference. In this study, one of the no-choice phases was yoked to a previous choice-making condition. This analysis demonstrated that the choice-making condition was superior to baseline and yoked control phases as determined by levels of task engagement and disruptive behavior. The findings ofthe two analyses contribute information relevant to students with emotional and behavioral disorders, and to a growing literature on the desirable effects of choice making for students with disabilities and challenging behaviors. DESCRIPTORS: choice, problem behavior, emotional and behavior disorders, classroom behavior Students with emotional and behavioral challenges frequently display behaviors that are incompatible with the routines and requirements of their dassrooms. As a result, behavior management programs are typically a salient feature of these students' educational experiences. The most common programs have been based on the manipulation of consequences and have included token and point systems as well as punishment procedures (e.g., time-out). Recently, concern has been expressed