The LGBTQ+ movement has been advocating for their rights all over Latin America, thus each country had faced and still faces particular characteristics (legal, cultural, political and social) in order to advocate for the movement rights leading to different methodologies and theories, from anthropological narratives, to analyse it. For instance, Globalized Gayborhoods -as a typology- describe the LGBTQ+ rights status all over the world, specifically in capital cities, and therefore including some Latin-American cities. Regarding this typology, and by questioning it, we ask: How gayborhoods can be characterised in Latin America under Queer IR, internationalization, and narratives under the scope of Staller Education? Thus, we propose Gayborhoods Lat (Latin America) as places that characterise the status of the LGBTQ+ rights in the region based on Queer International Relations, internationalization, and some oral narratives from Stellar Education.