By analogy with the formation of space crystals, crystalline structures can also appear in the time domain. While in the case of space crystals we often ask about periodic arrangements of atoms in space at a moment of a detection, in time crystals the role of space and time is exchanged. That is, we fix a space point and ask if the probability density for detection of a system at this point behaves periodically in time. Here, we show that in periodically driven systems it is possible to realize topological insulators, which can be observed in time. The bulk-edge correspondence is related to the edge in time, where edge states localize. We focus on two examples: Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in time and Bose Haldane insulator which emerges in the dynamics of a periodically driven many-body system. 5 Note that due to the negative effective mass m eff , the first energy band is the highest in energy. 2 New J. Phys. 21 (2019) 052003 where = ¢ J J i 2and J 2i−1 =J, which is identical to the SSH model [86]. The latter describes spinless fermions hopping on a 1D-lattice with staggered hopping amplitudes. Changing the ratio λ 1 /λ in (1), allows one to control the ratio ¢ J J . This effective Hamiltonian belongs to the BDI class of the periodic table of the topological insulators and superconductors [87] and is characterized by a topological invariant, the winding number ν. For an infinite system with ¢ > J J ( ¢ < J J ), the system is in a topological (trivial) phase with winding number ν=1 (ν=0). For a finite system, the topological phase exhibits zero energy edge states protected by the topology of the bulk. The SSH model has been experimentally realized in quantum simulators and both the presence of edge states and the winding number have been measured [63][64][65]. Let us emphasize that the Wannier states w i (x, t) of equation (2) are localized wavepackets of the effective SSH Hamiltonian of equation (3). We then discuss how such states allow one to detect the topology of the SSH Hamiltonian. corresponding to quasi-energies closest to zero, see top panel. In the topological phase, these eigenstates have zero quasi-energy and are linear combinations of the edge states localized at the edge of time. That is, in the laboratory frame, a detector is placed close to the oscillating mirror (x≈0) and the probability density of clicking of the detector is shown versus time for different values of the ratio ¢ J J of the tunneling amplitudes in (3). This behavior is repeated with the period 2π/ω. At sωt/(2π)=1 and sωt/(2π)=40 there are edges where the eigenstate localizes if ¢ > J J 1. The results correspond to ω=0.067, λ=0.06 in (1) and are obtained within the quantum secular approach [84], see the appendix.