IntroductionHuman monoclonal antibodies of various specificities can now be prepared by using cellular or molecular technologies. Several of these antibodies could have interesting therapeutic applications, such as human monoclonal anti-D that could be used to replace plasma-derived polyclonal antibodies for the prevention of the hemolytic disease of the newborn. 1 Contrary to plasma-derived anti-D preparations that rely on the availability of immunized donors, monoclonal anti-D prepared by culture of immortalized cell lines give access to an unlimited supply of standardized preparations. However, as is the case for other antibody specificities, the selection of the most appropriate monoclonal anti-D for therapeutic use represents a significant challenge.The mechanism by which anti-Ds suppress Rh D immunization is still unclear. Some of the proposed mechanisms rely on the interaction between the Fc portion of anti-D and different Fc␥ receptors (Fc␥R) and could lead either to the inhibition of antigen-specific B cells by the binding of antigen-antibody complexes or to the rapid clearance and destruction of the Rh D ϩ red blood cells (RBCs) coated with anti-D. 2 These 2 mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, and both require the efficient binding of the antibodies to the Rh D ϩ RBCs in vivo. However, work with Fc␥R-deficient mice suggested that immune suppression could occur by antigenic epitope masking and thus be independent of the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G (IgG). 3 Although the mechanism of inhibition of immune response is still unresolved, it is likely that the anti-D preparations suitable for the prevention of the hemolytic disease of the newborn will be among those exhibiting the most efficient antigen binding in vivo.Because of obvious ethical problems in studying Rh D ϩ RBC destruction in Rh D Ϫ individuals, the biologic activity of monoclonal anti-D has been evaluated mainly by using in vitro tests intended to reproduce the processes involved in antibodydependent in vivo RBC destruction. Clearance of RBCs coated with antibodies may depend to a large extent on the interaction of antibodies with the Fc␥Rs present on macrophages in the spleen. 4 However, because splenic macrophages are difficult to obtain, only indirect assessment of antibody-Fc␥R interactions can be done in vitro by using natural killer cells to measure Fc␥RIII-mediated interactions 5,6 and monocytes to measure Fc␥RI/II-mediated interactions. 7,8 One of the main problems associated with in vitro tests is that the results of these assays will vary, depending on a number of parameters that are likely to differ from the in vivo situation (eg, RBC-phagocyte ratio, degree of RBC sensitization, etc). Thus, the suitability of these in vitro assays to predict the ability of monoclonal anti-D to prevent Rh D alloimmunization has not been demonstrated. 9,10 In the past 10 years, the isolation of immunodeficient mouse strains has opened new possibilities for the early in vivo testing of human proteins and cells. The nonobese diabetic/severe combi...