Reinforced concrete (RC) structures placed in chloride-contaminated environments are subjected to deterioration processes that affect their performance, serviceability and safety. Chloride ingress leads to corrosion initiation and its interaction with service loading could reduce its operational life. Chloride ingress and corrosion propagation are highly influenced by weather conditions in the surrounding environment including climate change. Therefore, both structural design and maintenance should be adapted to these new environmental conditions. This study focuses on the assessment of the costs and benefits of climate adaptation strategies for existing RC structures subjected to chloride ingress and climate change. We studied RC structures built at different periods under different construction standards in France. The cost-effectiveness of adaptation measures was measured in terms of the Benefit-to-Cost Ratio (BCR) and the probability that BCR exceeds unityi.e., Pr(BCR>1). The results of the paper could provide practical advice to policy makers to improve the management of existing RC structures under a changing climate by discussing the influence of the following factors on the mean BCR and Pr(BCR>1): specific exposure conditions, climate change scenarios, risk reduction due to the implementation of adaptation strategies, type of structural component, years of construction and adaptation, discount rates and damage costs.