“…Many policy process frameworks and theories are utilized in these applications including: punctuated equilibrium theory (e.g., Beard, ; Dziengel, ), multiple streams (e.g., Olsson, ; Van Gossum et al, ), network analysis (e.g., Ansell et al, ), regime theory (e.g., Blatter, ), narrative policy framework (e.g., Shanahan, McBeth, Hathaway, & Arnell, ), social construction and policy design (e.g., Weible, Siddiki, et al, ), diffusion of innovation (e.g., Amougou & Larson, ), and institutional analysis and development (e.g., Cheng, Danks, & Allred, ; Lansang, ). The ACF is often compared or integrated with various theories and theoretical concepts that stretch across policy, public administration, and political science including: resource dependence (e.g., Leifeld & Schneider, ), discourse coalitions (e.g., Leifeld, ; Szarka, ), agenda setting (e.g., Smith, ), policy paradigms (e.g., Quaglia, ), cultural theory (e.g., Nohrstedt, ), policy entrepreneur (e.g., Mann & Gennaio, ), epistemic communities (e.g., Francesch‐Huidobro & Mai, ), socio‐ecological systems (e.g., Weible et al, ), and stakeholder analysis (Weible, ). This demonstrates the flexibility of the framework to be inclusive or comparable with various theories and theoretical concepts.…”