This study investigates the intricate factors influencing meat quality, including breed, rearing conditions, and processing, with a primary focus on oxidative stress in Holstein Friesian and Simmental cattle within conventional and intensive production systems. A notable difference in oxidative stress was found between animals subjected to intensive-farming versus conventional practices, with Holstein cattle showing a more pronounced antioxidant gene response than Simmental. The analysis revealed that intensive rearing conditions resulted in increased DNA repair activity and expression of stress-response proteins like heat shock proteins, suggestive of greater cellular damage and an adaptive stress response. Muscle tissue analyses, revealed a clear distinction in gene expression associated with meat quality between the breeds and the type of farming system. A negative correlation emerged between oxidative stress levels and genes related to muscle development, which affects meat quality. Intensive farming conditions altered the expressions of apoptotic proteins, impacting meat quality at the molecular level. These results underscore the profound effect rearing conditions have on meat quality, driven by stress-related molecular responses. This highlights the need for further research into the influence of husbandry practices on animal welfare and meat quality, with the intention of developing strategies to mitigate the negative consequences of intensive-farming.