The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency operates an "Enhanced Surveillance of Food and Waterborne Disease (FWD) Outbreaks" from May 1 to September 30 every year based on reports of municipal, provincial, city and district health centers nationwide to respond quickly to mass outbreaks. The surveillance is used to prevent FWD in summer, when temperatures are expected to increase. During the operation of surveillance in the summer of 2022, in all, 300 outbreaks of FWD were reported; this number is in line with the pre-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) number. The most outbreaks, 89 (29.7%), occurred in July 2022, followed by 70, 59, 45, and 37 outbreaks in June, May, August, and September, respectively. Regarding the regions in which outbreaks occurred, the majority were reported in Gyeonggi-do (61), Seoul (48), and Busan (27). Most outbreaks occurred in restaurants, followed by daycare centers and school facilities, including kindergarten facilities. Therefore, because the number of FWD in the summer of 2022 recovered to the pre-COVID-19 level, the management of diseases also needs to be as it was before COVID-19. Education on personal hygiene and safe water and food, and the efforts of managers and workers in group-catering facilities such as schools, workplaces, and restaurants, where there is a high risk of outbreaks, are important to prevent large-scale outbreaks of FWD.