In today’s world, energy is one of the fundamental industries and is essential for economic development, poverty eradication and adaptation to the effects of climate change. Access to sustainable energy sources (RES) is the foundation of modern sustainable energy, and international law has a key role to play in achieving such access. The aim of the study is a theoretical consideration and generalization of the positions of modern scientists within the framework of international energy law in terms of access to RES. The genesis of access to sustainable energy sources in the writings of scholars on international energy law originates from the work of Professor A. D. Bradbrook, who considers such access primarily through the prism of international human rights law and notes the paramount task of achieving universal access to RES in order to reduce poverty. R. D. Heffron formulated the access under study as one of the basic principles of international energy law, at the same time, the main place in the author’s works in this area is given to the concept of energy justice. S. Bruce noted the high importance of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative, the International Renewable Energy Agency and Sustainable Development Goal No. 7 in achieving researched access, and also highlighted a number of international agreements as instruments of particular importance for access to RES.