37Northern post-glacial lakes are a significant and increasing source of 38 atmospheric carbon (C), largely through ebullition (bubbling) of microbially-39 produced methane (CH 4 ) from the sediments 1 . Ebullitive CH 4 flux correlates 40 strongly with temperature, suggesting that solar radiation is the primary driver of 41 these CH 4 emissions 2 . However, here we show that the slope of the temperature-42 CH 4 flux relationship differs spatially, both within and among lakes. 43Hypothesizing that differences in microbiota could explain this heterogeneity, we 44 2 compared site-specific CH 4 emissions with underlying sediment microbial 45 (metagenomic and amplicon), isotopic, and geochemical data across two post-46 glacial lakes in Northern Sweden. The temperature-associated increase in CH 4 47 emissions was greater in lake middles-where methanogens were more 48 abundant-than edges, and sediment microbial communities were distinct 49 between lake edges and middles. Although CH 4 emissions projections are 50 typically driven by abiotic factors 1 , regression modeling revealed that microbial 51 abundances, including those of CH 4 -cycling microorganisms and syntrophs that 52 generate H 2 for methanogenesis, can be useful predictors of porewater CH 4 53 concentrations. Our results suggest that deeper lake regions, which currently 54 emit less CH 4 than shallower edges, could add substantially to overall CH 4 55 emissions in a warmer Arctic with longer ice-free seasons and that future CH 4 56 emission predictions from northern lakes may be improved by accounting for 57 spatial variations in sediment microbiota. 58 59
Main text 60At high latitudes, lakes and ponds are recognized as a large and 61 understudied source of methane (CH 4 ) 1,3,4 , a radiatively important trace gas. 62Post-glacial lakes (formed by glaciers and receding ice sheets, leaving mineral-63 rich sediments) represent the largest lake area at high latitudes 5 . Because of 64 their areal extent, these lakes contribute to approximately two-thirds of the 65 model-predicted natural CH 4 emissions above 50° N latitude 1 . Their 66 geochemistry and emissions are distinct from thermokarst lakes formed by 67 permafrost thaw 6 . With warming, permafrost thaw, and predicted increased 68 middle sediments in Inre Harrsjön. Carbon quality, as assessed by visual 130 comparisons of organic matter composition, revealed coarse, less decomposed 131 detritus gyttja (organic-rich, peat-derived mud) in the edge sediments of both 132 lakes, while middle sediments were characterized by fine-grained, generally 133 more decomposed detritus gyttja 15 . Thus, higher temperature responsiveness 134 occurred where there was lower potential substrate quality, suggesting that 135 substrate differences do not readily explain differences in CH 4 emission 136