The Gram-negative pathogen Vibrio cholerae causes diarrheal disease through the export of enterotoxins. The V. cholerae RTX toxin was previously identified and characterized by its ability to round human laryngeal epithelial (HEp-2) cells. Further investigation determined that cell rounding is caused by the depolymerization of actin stress fibers, through the unique mechanism of covalent actin cross-linking. In this study, we identify a domain within the full-length RTX toxin that is capable of mediating the cross-linking reaction when transiently expressed within eukaryotic cells. A structure͞function analysis of the actin cross-linking domain (ACD) reveals that a 412-aa, or a 47.8-kDa, region is essential for cross-linking activity. When this domain is deleted from the full-length toxin gene, actin cross-linking, but not cell rounding, is eliminated, indicating that this toxin carries multiple dissociable activities. The ACD shares 59% amino acid identity with a hypothetical protein from V. cholerae, VC1416, and transient expression of the C-terminal domain of VC1416 also results in actin crosslinking in eukaryotic cells. The presence of this second ACD linked to an Rhs-like element suggests that V. cholerae acquired the domain by horizontal gene transfer and the ACD was inserted into the RTX toxin by gene duplication through the evolution of V. cholerae.Vibrio vulnificus ͉ VgrG ͉ covalent actin cross-linking