Aim: Theme of this report is the external cervical root resorption and the sequence of clinical procedures to be implemented during the phases of treatment.The external cervical root resorption (ICR) presents particular pathological conditions such as to classify between resorption of inflammatory origin. 1-3 It is generally presented as a complex clinical situation both in the diagnosis in a predictable prognosis. 3-6 It's often associated with loss of calcified tissue: dentin, cementum, alveolar bone. Often during the treatment the pulp vitality is compromised. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] The etiological factors are vague and not closely associated with the onset of the disease. Prevention is often impossible and treatment modalities not so simple, highly dependent on the location and severity of the injury. 2,3 Key points to get a favorable prognosis of elements with the processes of resorption are: early detection, accurate removal of tissue resorption, endodontic and restorative phases with accurate isolation of the operative field.In the early stages of treatment it is advisable to look for: the specific etiological factor (bleaching, trauma, previous surgery, etc.), the severity of the lesion (extension submarginal, infraosseus; the possible compromise of the vitality of the pulp by means of diagnostic vitality tests. 12,13 A large part of the cervical resorption is not associated with endodontic problems. A conservative approach without sacrificing the vitality of the pulp is then desirable. 8 Cleansing with irrigation endodontic solutions (sodium ipocloroite and clorexidine) can prevent future endodontic diseases. 14 Peer review under responsibility of Società Italiana di Endodonzia.