Aim To investigate the association of gastric histological and endoscopic findings in patients with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), according to presence of seropositivity to 12 bacterial virulence antigens.Methods This is a cross-sectional single-center study of 360 consecutive outpatients referred in the period of one year to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy because of dyspeptic complaints. Patients sera were tested by Western blot method to determine the presence of serum antibodies to bacterial virulence antigens -p120 (CagA -cytotoxin-associated antigen), p95 (VacA -vacuolating cytotoxin), p67 (FSH -flagellar sheath protein), p66 (UreB -urease enzyme heavy subunit), p57 (HSP homologue -heath shock protein homologue), p54 (flagellin), p33, p30 (OMP -outer membrane protein), p29 (UreA -urease enzyme light subunit), p26, p19, and p17. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed, endoscopic diagnosis recorded, and 4 mucosal biopsy samples were obtained and assessed according to Updated Sydney protocol.
ResultsThe sera of 207 patients were analyzed. Thirty patients had gastric adenocarcinoma, 126 peptic ulcers, and 51 normal finding. p120 (CagA) seropositivity was significantly more often present in patients with higher activity grade in the antrum (P = 0.025), p30 in patients with greater inflammation in the antrum (P = 0.025) and the corpus (P = 0.010), p33 in patients with greater inflammation in the corpus (P = 0.050), and p19 (OMP) in patients with lower intestinal metaplasia grades in the corpus (P = 0.025). Seroreactivity to all other bacterial proteins showed no association with the histological status of the stomach mucosa. Except for the seropositivity to protein p95 (VacA), which was more often present in patients with duodenal ulcer (P = 0.006), there was no difference in seroreactivity to other bacterial proteins and upper gastrointestinal endoscopic findings.Conclusions p120 (CagA), p33, p 30 (OMP), and p19 (OMP) seropositivity was more often present in patients with higher grades of the histological parameters of gastritis and seropositivity to protein p95 (VacA) with endoscopic presence of duodenal ulcer. Histological parameters of gastritis are more associated with bacterial virulence than endoscopic findings.