The problem of HIV infection has not lost its relevance, despite the progress and deepening of our knowledge about the disease over the years of study. The paper reflects the detailed structure of lethal outcomes and secondary diseases in HIV infection, taking into account in-depth histological studies in three time periods (1996/97, 2006, 2016) on the basis of these protocols of pathoanatomical autopsies in S.P.Botkin. Some of the data obtained confirms the facts known from the literature, while others are new and need further in-depth study. An important aspect of the work was the assessment of the significance of individual diseases in the tanatogenesis of each case, taking into account all clinical, laboratory and morphological data. The range of HIV-associated diseases varied in different time periods, although in many cases it was insignificant. In general, during the 20-year period of time HIV infection has undergone significant pathomorphosis.