Sarcopenia or skeletal muscle loss is a frequent, potentially reversible complication in cirrhosis that adversely affects clinical outcomes. Hyperammonemia is a consistent abnormality in cirrhosis that results in impaired skeletal muscle protein synthesis and breakdown (proteostasis). Despite availability of effective ammonia lowering therapies, whether lowering ammonia restores proteostasis and reverses muscle mass is unknown. Myotube diameter, protein synthesis and molecular responses in C2C12 murine myotubes to withdrawal of ammonium acetate following 24 h exposure to 10mM ammonium acetate were complemented by in vivo studies in the hyperammonemic portacaval anastomosis rat (PCA) and sham operated, pair-fed (SO) Sprague- Dawley rats treated with ammonia lowering therapy by L-ornithine L-aspartate and rifaximin orally for 4 weeks. We observed reduced myotube diameter, impaired protein synthesis and increased autophagy flux in response to hyperammonemia that were partially reversed following 24h and 48h withdrawal of ammonium acetate. Consistently, 4 weeks of ammonia lowering therapy resulted in significant lowering of blood and skeletal muscle ammonia, increase in lean body mass, improved grip strength and higher skeletal muscle mass, diameter and an increase in type II fibers in the treated compared to untreated PCA rats. Increased skeletal muscle myostatin expression, reduced mTORC1 function, and the hyperammonemic stress response including autophagy markers were also reversed in the PCA rats treated with ammonia lowering therapy. Despite significant improvement, molecular and functional readouts were not completely reversed by ammonia lowering measures.
Ammonia lowering therapy results in improvement in skeletal muscle phenotype, function and molecular perturbations of hyperammonemia. These preclinical studies complement previous studies on ammonia induced skeletal muscle loss and lay the foundation for prolonged ammonia lowering therapy to reverse sarcopenia of cirrhosis.