Left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy usually results from invasion or compression of the nerve caused by diseases localized within the aortopulmonary window. This study reports the case of a 76-yr-old male with vocal cord paralysis due to lymph node involvement by silicosis. This rare entity was identified by videomediastinoscopy, which revealed a granulomatous and fibrosed recurrent lymph node encasing the nerve. The nerve was dissected and released from scar tissues. Progressive clinical improvement was observed followed by total and durable recovery of the voice after 15 weeks follow-up. Eur Respir J 1999; 14: 720±722.
Case reportA 76-yr-old male presented with a 10-week history of progressive hoarseness. He also noted weight loss, and pain and swelling of his right elbow. The medical history revealed cigarette smoking for 20 yrs, chronic bronchitis, hypertensive cardiopathy and an occupational exposure to silica particles as a stonecutter, but no history of tuberculosis, trauma or thyroid diseases. A chondrocalcinosis in his right elbow was diagnosed. On the basis of several chest radiographs prior to hospital admission and without obtaining a biopsy, a presumptive stage III sarcoidosis was suggested, and therapy with oral and inhaled corticosteroids was started (prednisolone 30 mg . day -1 , budesonide 200 mg b.i.d.). Oral corticosteroids were progressively tapered off to 5 mg . day -1 . Upon admission, physical examination showed a chronic cough, hoarseness and pain in the right elbow. There was no peripheral lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly or skin changes. Laryngoscopy confirmed the left vocal cord palsy without intrinsic lesion of the larynx. The white blood cell count (WBC) and blood chemistry revealed no abnormal findings. Lung function testing showed a forced expiratory volume in one second of 2.28 L (2.4 L after inhalation of b 2 -agonists) (91% of predicted), vital capacity 4.02 L (122% pred), total lung capacity 5.94 L (97% pred) and diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide 6.4 mmol . min -1 . kPa (normal 2.9). The chest radiograph showed nodules with interstitial infiltrations, especially in the upper lobes, and enlarged hili. Eggshell calcifications were not observed. However, the computed tomography (CT) scan revealed calcified enlarged hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes ( fig. 1). The pulmonary parenchymal findings during the CT scan showed multiple round nodules, predominantly in the upper lobes, and large confluent silicotic masses of~5 cm in diameter in the upper lung zones, with hilar extension. Despite these findings being suggestive of silicosis, it was suspected that left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy may be related to sarcoidosis. However, no improvement of the voice disturbance was observed after a few weeks of steroids.Videomediastinoscopy was then performed to rule out malignancy or infection. It showed a left recurrent laryngeal nerve encased by scar tissue and a dense, irregularly shaped recurrent lymph node (paratracheal left) ( fig. 2). The nerve was car...