A 19-year-old female patient with the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was referred to the hospital (Heart Institute (InCor), University of São Paulo Medical School, Brazil) for treatment.The diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy had been achieved at 5 years of age at the time of the cardiologic assessment carried out in the patient's family. The assessment was indicated considering the family history of several cases of the disease. The patient's father had a diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which evolved to cardiac dilation and he was finally submitted to orthotopic heart transplant. Paternal uncles and grandparents also presented the disease. Two of the patient's brothers presented the same condition and one had died of sudden death.The patient presented repeated episodes of syncope during the clinical evolution. She had been submitted to the implantation of an implantable cardiodefibrillator (ICD) three years before. After the implant, she started to present syncope episodes again and no defibrillating activity could be detected in the implanted device. She was then referred to Instituto do Coração (InCor).At the first medical assessment at the hospital (11/16/2006), she complained of frequent episodes of palpitation associated to short-term general malaise, precordial pain, shortness of breath and pre-syncope. The last syncope episode had occurred four months prior to this medical visit. She also complained about shortness of breath triggered by strenuous physical effort.The patient did not use beta-blockers or calcium channel antagonists. These drugs had been previously prescribed and used by the patient, but they had caused arterial hypotension and consequently, their use was withdrawn. , regular pulse, heart rate = 60 bpm and BP=100 / 60 mmHg. Lung assessment was normal. The heart assessment showed systolic murmur at aortic focus +++/6 irradiating to the left sternum border and mitral area.The electrocardiogram (11/13/2006) disclosed pacemaker rhythm, normofunctioning double chamber and left atrial overload.Laboratory assessment (11/13/2006) showed hemoglobin = 13.6 g/dl, hematocrit = 41%, creatinine = 1.02 mg/dl, potassium = 4.6 mEq/l and sodium = 139 mEq/l.The echocardiogram (11/28/2006) showed an aortic diameter of 24 mm, left atrium diameter of 44 mm, diastolic and systolic left ventricle diameters of 34 and 22 mm, respectively, with a left ventricle ejection fraction of 66%; the interventricular septum thickness was 18 mm and the left ventricular posterior wall thickness was 9 mm. There was a marked asymmetric hypertrophy of the septal and lateral walls with a hyperdynamic systolic performance, no alterations in segmental mobility, mild diastolic dysfunction, mild mitral insufficiency and maximum intra-ventricular gradient of 27 mmHg at rest.Holter monitoring of the cardiac rhythm (11/27/2006) disclosed a sinus rhythm, alternating with the rhythm stimulated by the artificial pacemaker. The atrioventricular conduction alternated periods of normal conduction with others that presen...