25'i (%32,9) kız ve yaş ortalamaları 5,82 ± 3,66 bulundu. Araştırmaya alınan 76 hastaya toplamda 317 kez BT çekilmişti. Hastaların %42,10'una üç BT çekilirken geri kalanına üçten fazla BT çekilmişti. Hastaların %78,94'ünün sekelsiz taburcu olduğu, %7,9'unun opere edildiği görüldü. Hastaların ikinci BT'lerinde birinci BT'lerine göre sadece 2 hastada değişiklik saptandığı, yeni gelişen lezyon olarak bir hastada epidural hematom ve bir hastada subdural hematomun ortaya çıktığı belirlendi. Birinci BT sonuçlarına göre hastaların %7.9'una cerrahi tedavi uyulandı. Hastaların %92.1'i herhangi bir cerrahi tedavi uygulanmadan hastaneden taburcu oldu. Hastaların %6.6'sı sekelli iyileşirken, mortalite oranı %1.3 olarak bulundu. Tekrarlayan BT'ler ile çocuklara ek radyasyon dozu verilirken, tedavilerinde herhangi bir değişiklik oluşmadı. Sonuç: Kafa travmalı çocuklarda tekrarlayan BT'lerin hastanın prognozuna, acil cerrahi girişim ve tahmini yaşam beklentisine bir katkısı olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Tekrarlayan BT çekimi uygulanan çocuklar, gelecekte radyasyon ile ilişkili gelişebilecek hastalıklar yönünden izlenmelidir. -diagnosis. Forty two point one percent of patients had CT three times, the rest had more than three times; total CT number was 317. Two patients showed changes in second CT (one epidural and one subdural hemorrhage) according to first CT whereas there was no change in third CT. The decision of operation in all operated patients treated surgically (7.9%) was given according to the result of first CT. While 92.1% of patients were discharged from the hospital by complete recovery, 6.6% of patients were with sequelae and mortality ratio was 1.3%. The changes in repeated CT did not change the treatment while every child was exposed to additional radiation. Conclusion: Repeated CT in children with head trauma did not contribute to the prognosis of patients, the choice of treatment and survival. The children applied serial CT should be followed for the diseases which can be progressed due to radiation in future.Key words: Head trauma in children, repeated brain CT, radiation exposure, traumatic brain injury Introduction Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the most important diseases of 21. century which causes mortality and disablement (1,2). Different procedures about the indication, dosage of Head CT and repeated CT used common in pediatric TBI have been performed in different centers (3-4).The rates of CT used in the USA and other countries have increased rapidly particularly in the past 10 years (5). The use of CT procedures has expanded to more than 70 million in the United States per year, with nearly 10% of procedures performed on children (6).Although CT scans are very useful clinically, recent reports have raised concerns about the potential for malignancy following CT scanning, especially in pediatric patients (5) In a case-control study (part of the UK Childhood Cancer Study) by Rajaraman et al. was showed further evidence of possible excess risk of cancer, even at doses lower than those associated...