“…Basal cell nevus syndrome acral pits -flesh-colored or pinkish irregular-shaped depressed lesions containing red globules in parallel lines [66,72,79,96,100] -blue structures and microarborizing vessels (more frequently seen in childhood) [66] basal cell carcinoma absence of pigment network, maple-leaf like structures, arborizing vessels, blue/grey ovoid nests, blue/grey globules and dots, concentric structures, spoke/wheel structures, and ulceration [61,66,72,73,79,96,100,105] CYLD cutaneous syndrome trichoepithelioma arborizing vessels, multiple milia-like cysts and rosettes, whitish background [41,82,92,103] cylindroma and spiradenoma -background pink coloration with ill-defined arborizing vessels and ill-defined blue structures [65,112] white globules at the center [112] -absence of pigment network, white/ivory background, polymorphous vessels [99] Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines lentigines pigment network, black dots or brown globules, branched streaks [44] café noir spot (melanocytic nevi or lentigo simplex) -pigment network, black dots, and dark globules [63] -branched streaks forming hyphae-like structures, light brown globules [44] The results of the risk of bias assessment of the studies are detailed in Tables A1 and A2 in the Appendix A.…”