239J ejunal diverticulosis is a rare condition typically diagnosed incidentally during laparotomy or radiological examination. Although its incidence remains unclear, it is estimated to range between 0.073% and 1.3%, specifically between 0.073% and 1.3% on radiological examination and between 0.073% and 0.8% on autospy.1 The condition may be congenital or acquired and is associated with advanced age, with the incidence increasing in the sixth and seventh decades of life.2 Among small-intestine diverticulum cases other than those involving the duodenum, 80% have been observed in the jejunum, 15% in the ileum, and 5% in both.3 The probability of a complication is approximately 10% to 30%, among which acute complications include diverticulitis with perforation and abscess, bleeding, and mechanical intestinal obstruction. A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T Jejunal diverticulosis is a rarely encountered condition typically diagnosed incidentally during laparotomy or radiological examination. Despite its rarity, this condition poses a serious risk of mortality and morbidity in the event of complications. Massive gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding due to jejunal diverticulosis is a particularly serious risk, evidenced by its high rate of mortality as a result of delayed diagnosis. A 60-year old female and a 75-year old female patients were admitted to the emergency department due to gastrointestinal bleeding. The diagnosis of jejunal diverticulosis was established during the operation. Here we present two cases in which we incidentally diagnosed jejunal diverticulosis during surgical treatment of massive lower and upper GI hemorrhage originating from the subject matter condition.K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Gastrointestinal hemorrhage; emergency treatment Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Jejunal divertikülozis nadir görülür ve genellikle laparotomi veya radyolojik araştırmalarda tesadüfi olarak saptanır. Fakat, bu durum komplikasyonlara yol açtığında mortalite ve morbiditeye neden olabilir. Özellikle jejunal divertikülozise bağlı masif gastrointestinal kanamada gecikmiş tanıya bağlı mortalite oranı oldukça yüksektir. 60 yaşında ve 75 yaşında bayan hastalar acile gastrointestinal kanama şikayeti ile başvurdular. Hastalara jejunal divertikülozis tanısı ameliyat esnasında konuldu. Biz bu çalışmada sebebi bulunamayan alt ve üst gastrointestinal kanama nedeniyle ameliyat edilen hastalarda insidental saptanan jejunal divertikülozis olguları sunuyoruz.A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Gastrointestinal kanama; acil tedavi T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i J J C Ca as se e R Re ep p 2 20 01 15 5; ;2 23 3(