Jackhammer esophagus (JE) is a recently recognized esophageal motility disorder that is characterized by hypercontractile peristalsis. More than 500 cases have been reported in the literature. Among patients referred for esophageal motility disorders, the prevalence of JE ranges from 0.42% to 9%, with most series describing a prevalence of 2% to 4%. Most cases are women (60.5%). The mean reported age of patients with JE is 65.2 years, and patients commonly have dysphagia (62.8%). Reflux symptoms occur in ∼40% of patients, and chest pain affects more than one-third of patients (36.4%). JE is a heterogenous disorder that is associated with several conditions, including obesity, opioid use, lung transplantation, eosinophilic infiltration of the esophagus, neoplasia, and systemic diseases. The cause and pathogenesis remain unknown, but several observations suggest that it is the result of multiple conditions that likely precipitate increased excitation and abnormal inhibition of neuromuscular function. The natural course of JE also is unknown, but progression to achalasia has been observed in a few patients. Treatment is challenging, in part because of the insufficient understanding of the disorder's underlying mechanisms. Various therapeutic modalities have been used, ranging from observation only to pharmacologic and endoscopic interventions (eg, botulinum toxin injection) to peroral endoscopic myotomy. Treatment efficacy remains largely anecdotal and insufficiently studied.