When oral nutrition is not feasible, enteral nutrition (EN) therapy is often considered the preferred route of nutrition support to meet the nutrient needs of individuals with a functional gastrointestinal tract across multiple levels of care (critical care, acute care, and home care). Enteral formulations have progressively evolved over the last 50 years from the simple blending of hospital food thin enough to run through a feeding tube, to the development of commercial standard formulas, followed by specialized formulas with immune-modulating and disease-specific qualities, to the most recent shift to food-based or blenderized EN composed of natural, whole foods with perceived health benefits. With the vast number of enteral formulations on the market, clinicians may be overwhelmed trying to determine proven vs theoretical benefits. This review is intended to explore differences in enteral formulations, identify implications for clinical practice, and review evidencedbased clinical guidelines to assist clinicians in enteral formula selection.