An insulinoma is a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor that causes hypoglycemia. In the elderly, as surgery is not always possible, drugs are an important alternative. However, the effects of lanreotide on insulinomas have not yet been elucidated. We report the case of an 85-year-old Japanese woman who was admitted for loss of consciousness and hypoglycemia, which was resolved after intravenous glucose infusion. Insulin secretion was not inhibited during hypoglycemia. Enhanced computed tomography and Oc-treoScan scintigraphy revealed a pancreatic tumor (diameter, 13 mm) with radiotracer accumulation. Thus, clinical insulinoma was confirmed. However, the patient refused further examination and surgery. Diazoxide (150 mg/day) therapy resolved hypoglycemia but caused fluid retention. Consequently, we switched to lanreotide (120 mg/6 weeks). Continuous glucose monitoring revealed that both drugs had comparable effects on interstitial glucose normalization. Furthermore, 447 days after the initiation of lanreotide treatment, the patient had no hypoglycemic symptoms. Therefore, lanreotide may be a useful alternative treatment option for inoperable insulinomas in elderly individuals.