The burden of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is high, with up to 30% of the Western population reporting reflux-related symptoms with or without hiatal hernia. Magnetic sphincter augmentation (MSA) is a standardized laparoscopic procedure for patients who are dissatisfied with medical therapy and for those with early-stage disease who would not usually be considered ideal candidates for fundoplication. The MSA device is manufactured in different sizes and is designed to augment the physiologic barrier to reflux by magnetic force.
An extensive scoping review was performed to provide a map of current evidence with respect to MSA, to identify gaps in knowledge, and to make recommendations for future research. All the authors contributed to the literature search in PubMed and Web of Science and contributed to summarizing the evidence.
Magnetic sphincter augmentation, especially in combination with crural repair, is effective in reducing GERD symptoms, proton pump inhibitor use, and esophageal acid exposure, and in improving patients’ quality of life. Safety issues such as device erosion or migration have been rare and not associated with mortality. The MSA device can be removed laparoscopically if necessary, thereby preserving the option of fundoplication or other therapies in the future. Contraindication to scanning in high-power Tesla magnetic resonance systems remains a potential limitation of the MSA procedure. High-resolution manometry and functional lumen imaging probes appear to be promising tools to predict procedural outcomes by improving reflux control and reducing the incidence of dysphagia.
A consensus on acquisition and interpretation of high-resolution manometry and impedance planimetry data is needed to gain better understanding of physiology, to improve patient selection, and to pave the way for a personalized surgical approach in antireflux surgery.