It has been exactly 180 years since the pioneering work of Dr. Carlo Matteucci, professor of physics at the University of Pisa (1842), laid the basis of the method for the registration of biopotentials generated by muscles. In particular, these studies have found practical application in the principal non-invasive method of functional diagnosis of the cardiac muscle -electrocardiography (ECG). Almost a century has passed since this method became recognized and widely used in the clinic. However, to date, it has not only retained its importance in practical medicine but also remains a valuable diagnostic tool. This method allows understanding and effectively prevents errors in the present and future repetition. There are observed favorable trends of ECG-based diagnostics systems implementation and improvement in functional assessment of myocardium electrophysiological characteristics, which refl ect cardiovascular pathological vital markers. The essential aim of this article is to demonstrate modern approaches of implementing ECG technology to various fi elds of medicine and health informatics. This research demonstrated a large number of modern innovations devoted to the automation and modifi cation of implementation of this electrophysiological method and the possible ways to implement it in matters of home and individual monitoring of patients. Furthermore, the review examines the socio-economic issues of deploying and administering tele-ECG technologies to follow up on the global principles of digitization of healthcare and onsite diagnostics by emergency medical services (Tab. 2, Fig. 4, Ref. 87).