a b s t r a c tPurpose: This study reports the optimization of a local MR care pathway. A search of the literature did not result in any studies regarding the optimization of MRI care pathways through a formal research process. Discussions with international MR radiographers indicated that such development is often carried out using informal methods that are highly dependent on local conditions, that are rarely reported in the public domain and the validities of which are therefore not open to scrutiny; in addition, care pathways need to be specific to local healthcare needs and culture. In this study, the authors propose a formal documented methodology for developing a local MRI care pathway based on the wellestablished nominal group technique. Methods and materials: A nominal group technique was conducted amongst a multi-professional panel.Results: 14 participants accepted the invitation to participate: an executive from the principal public general hospital, a manager from the national Ministry for Health, a service development manager from the allied healthcare professional sector, 2 senior physiotherapists, 3 nursing officers, 3 MRI radiographers, 2 medical physicists, 1 radiologist. Ten optimization related issues were identified and ranked in order of decreasing importance. Highest ranking scores were assigned to patient safety, education of referrers and use of quality criteria. The NGT method also brought forward novel themes in particular the need for a radiographer's technical report and the need for referrers to indicate pain levels of patients. Conclusion: The design of an MR care pathway was successfully optimized using a collaborative multistakeholder approach.© 2014 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
IntroductionAt the MRI unit level, service quality is contingent on the design of the care pathway through which the MRI service is delivered and experienced by patients.1,2 Hence, an optimized care pathway design is crucial for the attainment of an effective, safe and efficient service. 3 This study reports the optimization of such a local care pathway as initially perceived and developed by the researchers and based on input from local and international colleagues.A search of the literature did not result in any studies regarding the optimization of MRI care pathways through a formal research process. Discussions with international MR radiographers indicated that such development is often carried out using informal methods that are highly dependent on local conditions, that are rarely reported in the public domain and the validities of which are therefore not open to scrutiny; in addition, care pathways need to be specific to local healthcare needs and culture. In this study, the authors propose a formal documented methodology for developing a local MRI care pathway based on the well-established nominal group technique (NGT). The study forms part of a wider study on continuous professional development for senior radiographers in Malta; the optimized pathwa...