This study was to investigate the interaction between opposite result was obtained for clinic BP at trough, whereby the addition of amlodipine to perindopril low doses of perindopril (2 mg daily) and amlodipine (2.5 mg daily) on ambulatory blood pressure (BP), clinic reduced erect systolic BP (P = 0.036) and both supine and erect diastolic BP (P = 0.038) whereas the addition BP, serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), plasma levels of renin (PRA), angiotensin II (Ang II), of perindopril to amlodipine was without effect. The addition of perindopril to amlodipine decreased aldosterone, and atrial natriuretic peptide (␣-h ANP) in subjects with essential hypertension. The study design serum ACE by 72% and increased PRA two-fold, without change in plasma levels of Ang II, aldosterone or ␣-h was a parallel, two-period, placebo-controlled, doubleblind crossover design, with 11 subjects receiving per-ANP. The addition of amlodipine to perindopril increased plasma aldosterone 1.7-fold but did not affect indopril and 10 receiving amlodipine during the run-in phase.serum ACE, PRA, Ang II, or ␣-h ANP. These interactions between perindopril and amlodipThe addition of amlodipine to perindopril had no effect on ambulatory BP, whereas the addition of perinine may have been conditioned by the specific effects of the therapy first given, as well as by the different cirdopril to amlodipine reduced both systolic (P = 0.027) and diastolic (P = 0.049) ambulatory BP. By contrast, the cumstances of BP measurement (ambulatory vs clinic).