Oral sub-mucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic, progressive, irreversible, scarring disease, predominantly affecting the people of SouthEast Asian origin. The present study was done to evaluate the clinical profile of the OSMF patients. This study was done over a period of two years in the ENT department. All the OSMF patients coming to the OPD of the SMBT medical college and hospital, Ghoti, Nasik, Maharashtra College was taken for the study. Detailed case history was recorded including age, sex, habits, duration of the habits, signs and symptoms, interincisal distance, clinical grading of the OSMF and any other finding. Approval of the ethical committee was taken before start of the study and informed consent was taken from each of the patient participating in the study. The collected data was collected, tabulated and analyzed by IBM SPSS statistic software version 20. Descriptive statistics was calculated for the variables. In the study total of 165 patients of OSMF were studied. Out of which 98 were males and 67 were female patients. The patients were of the age group ranging from 14 to 56 years. Maximum patients were from the age group of 15 to 25 years. 96.4 % patients shown bilateral involvement of the OSMF and only 3.4% patients (6 patients) had shown unilateral involvement. Buccal mucosa had shown involved in maximum number of patients in about 93.9% of the patients. About 96.7% patients had habit of gutkha chewing either alone or along with other habits. 2.3 % of the patients were also having extra lesions along with OSMF including of leukoplakia, tobacco pouch keratosis, etc. In this study, the occurrence of OSMF was higher in the younger age group of 16-25 years. The prevalence of OSMF was more in males than in females.