A Gruber' 2, I Arestrom2, D Xu1, J Liliemark23, SA Larsson4 and H Jacobsson5Departments of 'Hematology and Infectious Diseases, 2Clinical Pharmacology, 30ncology, 4Nuclear Medicine and 5Radiology, Karolinska Hospital, Sweden Summary The aim of the study was to investigate whether 99Tcm-MIBI (Cardiolite), recently shown to be a substrate for P-glycoprotein, has the potential to be used as a marker for mdrl gene expression and whether cyclosporin A (CyA) can modify its accumulation in vivo.Leukaemic cells from ten patients with acute myelocytic leukaemia (AML) were used, five with undetectable mdrl gene expression and five with mdrl mRNA levels ranging from 1.0 to 3.8 mdrl mRNA transcripts per cell. Cells were incubated with 99Tcm-MIBI, or with daunorubicin (Dnr), with and without 3 ,UM CyA. The median 99Tcm-MIBI accumulation (% of added radioactivity) in mdrl -negative cells was 0.89% and in the mdrl -positive cells 0.34%, P= 0.01. In mdrl -negative cells, the median increase in 99Tcm-MIBI accumulation with CyA was 30% compared with the mdrl -positive cells with a median increase of 242%, P = 0.009. CyA had no significant effect on Dnr accumulation in four of the mdrlnegative samples. The median increase of Dnr accumulation in the mdrl -positive cells was 40%. The results show that 99Tcm-MIBI with a high sensitivity can detect rather low levels of mdrl gene expression in clinical samples. Consequently, 99Tcm-MIBI scintigraphy has the potential to be used for monitoring the effect of resistance modifiers on the accumulation and retention of cytostatic drugs in human tumours in vivo.