-Beta-interferon use in definite multiple sclerosis (MS) has been proven to modify clinical and magnetic resonance imaging outcome. We review and summarize the data of published double-blind, randomized clinical trials to assess, with a meta-analysis the safety and efficacy of beta-interferon on the occurrence of relapses in patients with a first clinical event suggestive of MS. After two years of follow-up, interferon beta decreased the risk of conversion to clinically definite MS 0.51 [0.39-0.65], and delayed the time to diagnosis up to 367 days. Side-effects were mild and self limited. Our findings support the efficacy of early treatment with beta-interferon in reducing conversion to clinically defined MS in patients with clinically isolated syndromes.KEY WORDS: interferon, clinically isolated syndromes, multiple sclerosis, immunomodulating therapy.
Interferons beta nas síndromes clínicas isoladas: meta-análiseResumo -Já é suficientemente conhecido que a utilização de interferon beta modifica o prognóstico clínico e de ressonância magnética em pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM). Revisamos e sumarizamos os dados dos ensaios clínicos, duplo-cegos, randomizados e controlados com placebos para analisar, através de metaanálise, a segurança e eficácia dos interferons-beta sobre a ocorrência de recidivas em pacientes com um primeiro evento clínico sugestivo de EM. Após dois anos de seguimento, os interferons-beta diminuíram o risco de conversão para EM clinicamente definida 0,51[0,39-0,65] e retardaram o tempo para diagnóstico em 367 dias. Os efeitos colaterais foram leves e auto limitados. Nossos dados comprovam a eficácia e segurança do interferon-beta em reduzir a conversão para EM clinicamente definida de pacientes com síndromes clínicas isoladas.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: interferon, síndromes clínicas isoladas, esclerose múltipla, terapia imunomoduladora.
Dr. Ailton Melo -Avenida Magalhães Neto 735 / 802 -41820-011 Salvador BA -Brasil. E-mail: asm@ufba.brMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and degenerative disease characterized by relapsing-remitting episodes and progressive disability 1 . Although the diagnostic criteria of MS have been submitted to successive reviews, establishing the diagnosis continues to require evidence of two or more different lesions in the white matter of the central nervous system (CNS) and evidence of disease activity over time 2 . The use of magnetic resonance image (MRI) has made it possible to diagnose MS in patients with one clinical event of neurological disturbance and MRI findings suggestive of demyelinating lesions that are disseminated in time and space 3,4 . Over a decade of experience with beta-interferon (β-INF) therapies have shown these treatments decrease the frequency and intensity of relapses as well as the disease progression when used in the early phases of MS 5,6 . The mechanism of action of the β-IFN is thought to relate to decrease of the pathologic inflammatory process through immune modulation and decreased trafficking of T-helper type 1 (Th1)...