Conclusion:The analysis of patient perspectives on health care experiences highlighted the significance of respectful and personalized treatment. In addition to providing functioning health care facilities, a vital part of health care quality work is securing empowering care encounters. Even though human rights inspired state regulations and health care policies are imperative, specific strategies to secure their implementation on the health care micro level is needed, e.g. staff training in communication skills as well as follow up mechanisms measuring patient satisfaction and levels of participation.Keywords: Patient RIGHTS; Patient participation; Health care quality; Access and evaluation; Guideline adherence
Key Points• The Right to Health is not simply a one-directional delivery from government regulations, to health care policy and the patient, but depends -for its impact on the patient level -on the health care services ability to embrace patients' individual characteristics.• What The Right to Health means varies between different populations as its connotations are determined by marginalization indicators such as socioeconomic status, language capabilities and so forth.• Specific human rights focused training is recommended for all health care staff as the realization of The Right to Health depends on their ability to appreciate the concept's meaning, e.g. acknowledge patients' right to participate in decisions pertaining to health.