Spherical catalytic micromotors fabricated as described in Wheat et al. [Langmuir 26, 13052 (2010)] show fuel concentration dependent translational and rotational velocity. The motors possess short-time and long-time diffusivities that scale with the translational and rotational velocity with respect to fuel concentration. The short-time diffusivities are two to three orders of magnitude larger than the diffusivity of a Brownian sphere of the same size, increase linearly with concentration, and scale as v 2 /2ω. The measured long-time diffusivities are five times lower than the short-time diffusivities, scale as v 2 /{2D r [1 + (ω/D r ) 2 ]}, and exhibit a maximum as a function of concentration. Maximums of effective diffusivity can be achieved when the rotational velocity has a higher order of dependence on the controlling parameter(s), for example fuel concentration, than the translational velocity. A maximum in diffusivity suggests that motors can be separated or concentrated using gradients in fuel concentration. The decrease of diffusivity with time suggests that motors will have a high collision probability in confined spaces and over short times; but will not disperse over relatively long distances and times. The combination of concentration dependent diffusive time scales and nonmonotonic diffusivity of circle-swimming motors suggests that we can expect complex particle responses in confined geometries and in spatially dependent fuel concentration gradients.