Senescence in cultured adrenocortical cells involves changes in expression of differentiated functions as well as changes in responses to mitogenic stimulation. Steroid 17a-hydroxylase (steroid 17a-monooxygenase, EC is an adrenal-specific enzyme, the expression of which is dependent on the presence of stimulators of cyclic AMP production, such as cholera toxin. Dot-blot hybridization of RNA from bovine adrenocortical cells that had been incubated with cholera toxin showed a marked decline in 17a-hydroxylase mRNA levels as a function of population doubling level, closely paralleling the decline in induction of 17a-hydroxylase enzyme activity. The lower levels of 17a-hydroxylase induction did not result from a requirement for a longer time period for induction or from a specific defect in response to cholera toxin and were not caused by a general failure of enzyme induction in response to cyclic AMP. The decreased growth rate in older cells results from a general decline in response to several growth factors. However, the decline in 17a-hydroxylase induction did not result from a loss of response of the cells to mitogens, since quiescent cells at a low population doubling level showed stimulation of 17a-hydroxylase mRNA by cholera toxin to levels similar to those in nonquiescent cultures and added mitogens either had no effect on 17a-hydroxylase mRNA levels or decreased them. There was, however, a specific posttranscriptional effect of insulin on 17a-hydroxylase. The loss of 17a-hydroxylase induction is unlikely to result from overgrowth of a minority cell type lacking the ability to induce 17oi-hydroxylase, because adrenocortical cell clones that had high levels of 17a-hydroxylase induction gave rise to cells with lower levels of induction on subcloning. Thus, loss of 17a-hydroxylase activity in adrenocortical cellular senescence results from a primary failure of accumulation of 17a-hydroxylase mRNA after incubation with the inducing agent.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPreparation and Growth of Bovine Adrenocortical Cell Cultures. Cells were prepared from bovine adrenal cortex tissue as described (11) and were grown on culture dishes coated with fibronectin (12) in a 1:1 (vol/vol) mixture of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) and Ham's F-12 medium with 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum and partially purified brain fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) at 100 ng/ml in an atmosphere of 5% 02/85% N2/10% CO2. For long-term growth and estimation ofreplicative potential, cells were grown under these conditions and passed repeatedly using a 1:5 split ratio using Pronase E (Sigma) to remove the cells (13). Cumulative population doublings were calculated as the log2 of the cumulative increase in the population (13). Cells were cloned using the same medium with the addition of 2% (vol/vol) UltroSer G (Reactifs IBF, Villeneuve-laGarenne, France) (13,14).Induction and Measurement of 17a-Hydroxylase. For induction of 17a-hydroxylase, cultures were changed to serumfree medium containing DMEM/F-12, 1:1 (vol/vol), bo...