The S-layers of Thermus thermophilus HB27 and T. thermophilus HB8 are composed of protein units of 95 kDa (P95) and 100 kDa (P100), respectively. We have selected S-layer deletion mutants from both strains by complete replacement of the slpA gene. Mutants of the two strains showed similar defects in growth and morphology and overproduced an external cell envelope inside of which cells remained after division. However, the nature of this external layer is strain specific, being easily stained and regular in the HB8⌬slpA derivative and amorphous and poorly stained in the HB27⌬slpA strain. The addition of chromosomic DNA from T. thermophilus HB8 to growing cultures of T. thermophilus HB27⌬slpA led to the selection of a new strain, HB27C8, which expressed a functional S-layer composed of the P100 protein. Conversely, the addition of chromosomic DNA from T. thermophilus HB27 to growing cultures of T. thermophilus HB8⌬slpA allowed the isolation of strain HB8C27, which expressed a functional S-layer composed of the P95 protein. The driving force which selected the transference of the S-layer genes in these experiments was the difference in growth rates, one of the main factors leading to selection in natural environments.In many mesophilic bacteria, the presence of crystalline surface layers (S-layers) seems to be a strain-specific character, whose loss upon optimal growth conditions results in S-layer mutants that do not present any apparent phenotypic defect (12, 21). By contrast, most thermophiles, especially those belonging to the oldest phylogenetic branches (31), contain Slayer as an almost universal character, thus suggesting for these structures important roles in cell viability or membrane integrity at high temperatures. In fact, the presence of S-layer in evolutionarily old thermophilic bacteria and their structural simplicity led to the suggestion of an ancient evolutionary origin for such structures (26).As S-layers completely surround the cells, their building units constitute one of the major membrane proteins. Accordingly, synthesis of the S-layer is a metabolically expensive process which could be selected during evolution only as a result of the existence of strong selective pressures. However, little is known about such selective pressures, and even less is known about the role(s) that S-layers could play in mesophilic or thermophilic natural environments.Like any cell surface components, S-layers should be subjected to strong selective pressures, the most important of which could be the presence of hydrolytic enzymes (essentially proteases) and bacteriophages (as binding sites). Such selective pressures could be the factors responsible for the sequence divergence of the S-layer genes (21). In fact, it has been not possible to obtain clear phylogenetic relationships between S-layer genes, even from related organisms. In addition, the possibility exists that horizontal transference of S-layer genes within genetically related strains contributed to the present sequence divergence, in a way similar to th...