We analyzed flower color mutants of cyclamen (Cyclamen spp.) and carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) obtained by ion-beam irradiation with an idea that a comprehensive analysis of anthocyanin and its biosynthetically related compounds, such as avonols and cinnamic acid derivatives, is necessary in order to understand ower color expression mechanism. In this review, we discuss mechanisms for ower color mutation and deduce the following ideas: anthocyanin and its biosynthetically related compounds are cooperatively and compensatively regulated; multiple factors are o en concerned in the expression of the same color phenotypes; and changes in chemical structure of a pigment induces new properties that generate novel phenotypes.
Key words:Anthocyanins, carnation, co-pigments, cyclamen, ion beam.Although ion beam irradiation has been recognized as an e ective technique for plant mutation breeding, this technique tends to be thought of as 'not a scienti c' procedure that depends on contingencies (Tanaka (2012) in this issue). As Tanaka described in the preface of this issue, we are trying to enhance the theoretical aspects of ion beam mutation and show that this is a 'scienti c' and more e cient technique than what is imaged. e main focus of our research has targeted ower-color mutations in cyclamen (Cyclamen spp.) and carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), whose major pigments are anthocyanins, expecting that the studies of flower color expression mechanism could lead to principle to 'theoretically' obtain mutants.Research of the chemical structure of individual ower pigments is insufficient approach for understanding the regulation of ower color. We now understand the necessity for comprehensive analysis of anthocyanins and biosynthetically related compounds, such as avonoids and cinnamic acid derivatives. In this review, we discuss ower color expression mechanism in ion-beam mutants, presenting the results of our comprehensive analyses. It is noted that we here use a word ' avonoids' meaning flavones and flavonols that are so called 'colorless' avonoids excluding anthocyanins. Flower color is classi ed based on two factors: color depth and coloration. Color depth basically reflects pigment concentration. In a mutant altered in color depth, metabolic activity leading to the biosynthesis of the pigments could have been changed at any step in the pathway. Compounds partially sharing a common biosynthetic pathway with anthocyanins are avonoids such as avone and avonol, and cinnamic acid derivatives such as coumaric acid and ca eic acid (Figure 1). e composition of these compounds changes corresponding to the mutated step in the biosynthetic pathway, and therefore, we can putatively assign the mutation step based on the compositional change. e