The citrate-transport determinant of plasmid pESl from Klebsiella pneumoniue [Schwarz, E. & Oesterhelt, D. (1985) EMBO J . 4,1599 -16031 has been subcloned in Escherichiu coli DH1. Uptake of citrate in E. colimembrane vesicles via this uptake system is an electrogenic process, although the pH gradient is the main driving force for citrate uptake. The rate of citrate uptake, driven by artificially imposed ion-gradients, is high in the presence of an artificial ApH and low in the presence of an artificial A Y . Citrate transport does not depend on the presence of Na' or Mg2+ as has been observed for other citrate-transport systems. Citrate has three pKvalues: 3.14,4.77 and 5.40. Citrate forms a stable complex with Mg2+ with a stability constant of 3.2. Kinetic parameters and calculations of the different citrate (Cit) species at a given pH, indicate that the HCit2-is the species transported and that transport occurs in symport with three protons. This citrate-transport system is thus a unique example of a 3H+/solute symport system.In a previous paper we described the cloning and expression of a citrate-transport system from Klebsiellu pneumoniue in Escherichiu coli DH1 [l]. Unlike other species of the Enterobacteriaceae group, E. coli is unable to utilize citrate aerobically as the sole source of carbon and energy [2]. This property is one of the identification criteria of E. coli [3]. E. coli possesses all the enzymes necessary for citrate metabolism since citrate is a substrate in the tricarboxylic acid pathway. Therefore, the absence of a citrate-transport system seems to be the major cause of the inability to utilize citrate. Citrate-transport systems have been found and studied in several bacteria. Most transport systems for citrate are cation dependent [4-71. In this paper we elucidate the mechanism of a citrate-transport system from K. pneumoniue. This citratetransport system is a secondary transport system and transport is driven by the electrochemical gradient of protons across the membrane (dp) [l]. Citrate is a trivalent, negatively charged solute at neutral pH (pK1 = 3.14, pK2 = 4.77, pK3 = 5.40) which forms a stable complex with divalent cations. The apparent affinity of the transport system for total citrate was found to depend on the pH, while such a pH dependence was not observed if HCit2-is the solute transported by the citrate carrier of K. pneumoniae. This observation and the observed roles of the d Y and the ApH as driving forces for citrate uptake indicates that HCit' -is transported with at least three protons.
Bacterial strains and plasmidsThe cit' gene was derived from genomic DNA of K. pneumoniae strain ATCC 13882. E. coli DH1 recAl, endAl, gyrAg6, thi,,, S U~E~~, relAl, 2-1 was used as host for the plasmids pESl [8], which contains a 16-kb DNA fragment of K. pneumoniae DNA on which the gene for the citrate carrier is located, and pGR3 [l], a derivative of pESl containing a 1.7-kb fragment with the citrate determinant under control of the lipoprotein and lac promot...