Bacillus cereus secretes three different phospholipases C. We studied the effect of P, levels in the growth medium on the production of these exoenzymes. Production of both phosphatidyicholine-preferring phospholipase C and sphingoinyelinase C was repressed by P1 in the growth medium, whereas production of phosphatidylinositol pi&ospholipase C was unaffected. We also found that B. cereus secretes a phsaterepressed alkaline phosphatase activit. Together with a previously reported highly efficient, active uptake system for P,, these three phosphate-repressed exoenzyme activities seem to be part of a phosphate retrieval mechanism that operates under growth-limiting concentrations of Pi. In natural soil systems, which are the natural habitats of B. cereus, the scarcity of P1 is the major growth-limiting factor. A ph reprssed metalloprotease activity was also detected in culture supernatants of B. cereus. It is unclear whether this exoenzyme activity also participates in the proposed phosphate-scavenging system.