"Ethics in Chemistry" is ah uge topic with various viewpoints and arguments on what it actually is and what compliance to ethical guidelines and participation in ethical discourse imply,c overing principles of science and research ethics,p rofessione thics, and technology ethics. Overview and clarity are lost easily.T he authors-members of the recently formed EuCheMS working party "Ethics in Chemistry"-present an attemptt oc ollect and sort the ethically relevant aspects and challenges that chemists see themselves confronted with. Based on this list, strategies for ethical action are outlined. On the one hand, there are those issues that are am atter of compliance to existing guidelines and standards. On the other hand, there are those conflicts that arise at the intersection of science, technology and societya nd that need engaged chemists participating in the larger discourse for sustainability.T hisE ditorial attempts to pointo ut why this is important and what chemists can do in particular.