“…The human uPAR is attached to the membrane via a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol molecule Table 1 Radial "Radial ¢aseinolytie assay [25] of 4 days-conditioned medium of I-5G cells incubated with uPA for 1 h in the presence or in the absence of 10 -'~ M uPA pcptides from different species (sec Fig, 7) and treated thereafter with neutral buffer or glycine buffer, pH 3.0. bAverag¢ values, with standard deviations, from tlare¢ experiments in duplicate, Any of the three uPA peptides, '~This value was assumed as 100%. [27,28], porcine (PUPA) [29], baboon (BuPA) [30], human (HuPA) [31], and chicken (CuPA) [9] aPA growth factor-like domains are listed below; residues identical to the rat sequence are indicated with "dash~,…”