Arginine decarboxylase (ARCdc) is the first enzyme in one of the two pathways to putrescine in plants. ARCdc enzyme activity has been shown to be induced by many environmental factors, including potassium deficiency stress. W e investigated the mechanism for induction of ARGdc activity during potassium deficiency stress in Arabidopsis fhaliana (1.) Heynh. W e show that A. fhaliana responds to potassium deficiency stress by increasing ARCdc activity by up to 1 O-fold over unstressed plants with a corresponding increase in putrescine levels of up to 20-fold. Spermidine and spermine levels do not increase proportionately. Northern analysis showed no increase in ARCdc mRNA levels correlated with the increase in ARCdc enzyme activity. Western analysis revealed that there was no difference between ARCdc protein levels in stressed plants compared with controls. The increase in ARCdc enzyme activity due to potassium deficiency stress does not appear to involve changes in mRNA or protein abundance.ARGdc is the first enzyme in one of two pathways to putrescine, the other being ORNdc. The relative functions of the two pathways is one of the important problems in polyamine synthesis. ARGdc activity levels have been correlated with many abiotic stresses in plants. An early report showed that plants subjected to potassium deficiency stress accumulated putrescine to higher than normal concentrations (Coleman and Richards, 1956). Since this observation, many other stresses have been shown to stimulate putrescine accumulation. These include, but are not limited to, osmotic (Flores and Galston, 1982;Basu and Ghosh, 1991), pH (Young and Galston, 1983), nutrient (Basso and Smith, 1974), UV light (Kramer et al., 1991), and pollutant (Priebe et al., 1978) stress. Basso and Smith (1974) demonstrated that potassium deficiency resulted in increased putrescine levels in a wide variety of plants. This stress has been shown to increase ARGdc activity in many monocots (Young and Galston, 1984). The effects on dicots have been less well studied. Putrescine accumulation during environmental stress is correlated with increased ARGdc enzyme activity in oats. Schroder and Schroder, 1995).We have examined the effect of potassium deficiency stress on the model genetic organism Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyhn. In this report, we show that A. thaliana responds to potassium deficiency stress in a manner similar to that described for monocots, and we use molecular probes to look for the mechanism of induction.
MATERIALS A N D M E T H O D S Plant MaterialArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. ecotype Columbia seeds were surface-sterilized by washing for 2 min in 70% ethanol, followed by 20 min in 30% Clorox plus 0.5% Triton X-100 (Sigma). Seeds were then washed three times with sterile distilled water and dispersed onto sterile sand (Fisher Scientific). The sea sand had been washed with five changes of 3 volumes of deionized distilled water per volume of sand, dried, autoclaved, and dispensed into sterile 100-X 20-mm plastic Petri dishes (Falcon, Becton D...