Transfer functions of the conjugative plasmid RP4 (IncPot) are distributed among distinct regions of the genome, designated Tral and Tra2. By deletion analyses, we determined the limits of the Tral region, essential for intraspecific Escherichia coli matings. The Tral core region encompasses approximately 5.8 kb, including the genes traF, -G, -H, -I, -J, and -K as well as the origin of transfer. The traM gene product, however, is not absolutely required for conjugation but significantly increases transfer efficiency. To determine the transfer phenotype of genes encoded by the Tra2 core region, we generated a series of defined Tra2 mutants. This revealed that at least trbB, -C, -E, -G, and -L are essential for RP4 conjugation. To classify these transfer functions as components of the DNA transfer and replication (Dtr) or of the mating pair fonnation (Mpf) system, we analyzed the corresponding derivatives with respect to mobilization of IncQ plasmids and donor-specific phage propagation. We found that all of the Tra2 genes listed above and the traG and traF genes of Tral are required for RSF1010 mobilization. Expression oftraF from Tral in conjunction with the Tra2 core was sufficient for phage propagation. This implies that the TraG protein is not directly involved in pilus formation and potentially connects the relaxosome with proteins enabling the membrane passage of the DNA. The proposed roles of the RP4 transfer gene products are discussed in the context of virulence functions encoded by the evolutionarily related Ti T-DNA transfer system of agrobacteria.The study of conjugative DNA transfer of IncP plasmids gains increasing interest, since transfer of these plasmids to a wide range of remotely related microorganisms (for review, see references 21, 23, 65, and 76), even including yeasts (25), was observed. In addition, several findings provide evidence for a close relationship between RP4-mediated bacterial conjugation and T-DNA transfer from agrobacteria to plant cells (37,39,49,72,81). These similarities are underscored by recent data demonstrating that theAgrobacterium tumefaciens pTi Vir region can mobilize the small non-self-transmissible IncQ plasmid RSF1010 among agrobacteria (7) in a manner resembling the mobilization of these plasmids by IncP plasmids (16,78). However, it is noteworthy that mobilization frequencies obtained by the Ti system are extremely low.Functions responsible for RP4 transfer are encoded by two distinct regions of the genome, designated Tral and Tra2. The Tral region encompasses the origin of transfer (oriT) as well as functions responsible for the cleaving-joining process at the nick site (traI, -J, and -K; for review, see references 23 and 76). The traI and traJ gene products are required for relaxosome formation as well as for site-and strand-specific nicking at oriT, by which Tral becomes covalently associated with the 5' end of the DNA strand destined for transfer to the recipient cell (51). traK and traJ are specificity determinants on the basis of the observation that the...